Days on the water again are getting closer! There is some light at the end of the tunnel. Here in KY we have started to see some restrictions being lifted and more will come soon! We hope to be part of that "soon"!
As of the time of this post, so subject to change, we are aiming to be back on the water by May 15, 2020. Fingers crossed! When we do get back to NORMAL, we all know it will be a NEW NORMAL. We like to think that we are making adaptations to normal operations, not resrictions...sounds much more "back to earth"! Some of those adaptations...not all...are:
Please remember to check back often for updates. Once we have a 'Return to Work order, we will make dates live and able to be booked online. Thanks for your patience through all of this... we want , and frankly need , to see you as much as you hopefully want to be on the water. We will be sharing it again soon!
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