From Lexington, Kentucky
- Interstate 64 West towards Louisville
- Get off at Exit 58 Frankfort/ Versailles US 60
- Turn RIGHT off the exit ramp on to US 60 towards Frankfort
- Drive approx. 2.5 miles to traffic light intersection with US 460
- At light, turn LEFT onto Main Street/ US 60
- You will go past Kentucky State University on your right
- You will continue on into downtown Frankfort
- At intersection of Main Street and St. Clair
(there will be a Ice Cream shop in front of you) turn LEFT
on to St. Clair Street
- Go to STOP sign,
(a closed bridge will be in front of you)
turn RIGHT on to Wapping Street
- Go to STOP sign, turn LEFT into Paul Sawyier Public Library Parking lot
- Go behind Library and park
- Walk towards the closed bridge and look for steps to the right leading down to the boat dock
From Louisville, Kentucky
- Interstate 64 East towards Lexington
- Get off at Exit 53 B, Frankfort/ Lawrenceburg 127 N
- Stay STRAIGHT off the exit ramp on to US 127 towards Frankfort
- Drive approx. 6.0 miles into downtown Frankfort
- You will cross over the Kentucky River
- At the traffic light on the other side of the bridge crossing the river, turn RIGHT onto Wilkinson Blvd.
- Go under train bridge with
- Go to second STOP sign, intersection of Wilkinson and Wapping St., turn RIGHT
- Go to STOP sign, turn RIGHT into Paul Sawyier Public Library Parking lot
- Go behind Library and park
- Walk towards the closed bridge and look for steps to the right leading down to the boat dock
From Cincinnati, Ohio/ Northern Kentucky
- Interstate 75 South to Lexington
- Take Exit 118 to Interstate 64 West towards Louisville
- Get off at Exit 58 Frankfort/ Versailles US 60
- Turn RIGHT off the exit ramp on to US 60 towards Frankfort
- Drive approx. 2.5 miles to traffic light intersection with US 460
- At light, turn LEFT onto Main Street/ US 60
- You will go past Kentucky State University on your right
- You will continue on into downtown Frankfort
- At intersection of Main Street and St. Clair Street (there will be a Ice Cream shop in front of you) turn LEFT
on to St. Clair Street
- Go to STOP sign, (a closed bridge will be in front of you) turn RIGHT on to Wapping Street
- Go to STOP sign, turn LEFT into Paul Sawyier Public Library Parking lot
- Go behind Library and park
- Walk towards the closed bridge and look for steps to the right leading down to the boat dock